
Area & Producers

The geniuses behind our products.

Villa Rica, Peru

Villa is one of three coffee cultivation regions in Peru. The city is located in an altitude of 1.467m in the region Pasco.

​Average temperature of Villa Rica is about 20°C with rain of approx. 1.800mm per year.  Coffees of this region are known for fruity flavors.

Thanks to the altitude the region is free from bugs negatively affecting production.

Cafe Finca Schuler 

The lots of the producer are in altitudes between 1.400m and 1.730m. Coffee is grown in natural biosphere, in the rain forest below the shadow of old rain forest trees.

Coffee beans are harvested by hand and only mature fruits are selected. After harvesting first quality separation takes place.

Following this the coffee beans are fermentation washed in water tanks.

After fermentation a cupping process takes place to analyse the quality of the coffee. The beans are being separated from the fruit, sorted by size, weight and color.
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